
Preventative Healthcare

How long does anti-wrinkle treatment last?

You can expect your anti-wrinkle treatment to last 3-4 months. Your result peaks after 2 weeks, and then gradually wears off.

You can increase the longevity by increasing the number of units injected, an by having anti-wrinkle treatments regularly.

When done correctly, no one will notice that you have had anti-wrinkle treatment.

Your skin will look fresh and radiant without appearing frozen. You’ll still be able to make facial expressions, and your facial features will look normal.

When performed correctly, you will still be able to make normal facial expressions after anti-wrinkle treatment.

To achieve the best anti-wrinkle treatment result, follow our top tips:

  • Have your anti-wrinkle injections at a dedicated, doctor-led clinic.
  • Treat your face in a balanced way to ensure a natural result. This also avoids untreated areas compensating and ageing prematurely.
  • Have treatment regularly. Inconsistent anti-wrinkle treatment is not effective at preventing wrinkles. Aim for 2-4 treatments per year.
  • Combine your anti-wrinkle treatment with high-quality skincare and daily sun protection.

There are three ways to make your anti-wrinkle treatment last longer:

  • Amount of product used
    • Higher doses will generally last longer.
  • Precision of injection
    • The more precise your treatment, the longer your result will last.
  • Consistency of treatment
    • Undergoing regular maintenance increases the longevity

You can start to notice the result from anti-wrinkle treatment in 3-5 days. The final result is typically seen 2 weeks after your injections.

Anti-wrinkle product is made of a protein. After injection, it acts at the junction between your facial nerves and muscles.

Our body has natural enzymes known as proteases that break down proteins. Over time, these metabolise anti-wrinkle product. This leads to the effect wearing off, and normal facial movement returning.

You can become resistant or immune to anti-wrinkle injections.

Certain brands have a higher risk of causing this, because they contain stabilising proteins. These proteins can trigger the immune system.

Having high doses and frequent treatments increases the risk of developing anti-wrinkle resistance.

If you have become resistant to anti-wrinkle injections, we generally advise waiting 2 years before trying again. You should also switch to the anti-wrinkle brand that has no stabilising proteins.

Anti-wrinkle injections can stop working if you develop resistance. This is a problem where your body produces antibodies to the anti-wrinkle product.

Having high doses and frequent treatments using anti-wrinkle product containing stabilising proteins increases the risk.

If your anti-wrinkle injections have stopped working, you can try the pure anti-wrinkle brand, and wait 1-2 years before having another treatment.

High doses of anti-wrinkle product can give your skin a shiny appearance. As high doses result in no movement, your skin will be extremely smooth.

Smooth skin reflects light very effectively, giving it a shiny quality.

Anti-wrinkle treatment prevents skin bunching and wrinkling. This keeps your makeup smooth, as it prevents it collecting in skin creases that form with strong facial expressions.

After your anti-wrinkle treatment, the product slowly moves into the facial nerve endings. This is a gradual process, which is why it takes up to 14 days to see the result from anti-wrinkle injections.

There are 4 factors that influence the longevity of anti-wrinkle injections:

  1. The number of units injected: Higher doses (more units) last longer.
  2. The size and strength of the muscle injected: The effect will last longer in smaller, weaker muscles.
  3. Your metabolism: The amount of proteases you naturally have, and how well they work will affect the longevity.
  4. Treatment precision: The more precise your treatment, the longer your result will last. This is why its important to go to a dedicated, doctor-led cosmetic clinic that has high standards of practice.

Anti-wrinkle injections last 3-4 months on average. Some areas last longer, and others slightly less.

The longevity of anti-wrinkle treatment depends on the area injected, the precision of your treatment, how many units were used, and your metabolism.

Your skin will not look worse once your anti-wrinkle treatment wear off.

While it will go back to how it was before your treatment, it will be in better condition because of the preventative benefits of anti-wrinkle injections.

If you are not happy with the result of anti-wrinkle, you can feel assured knowing that the changes are not permanent.

Your result will gradually wear off over 3-4 months.

Most concerns people have after anti-wrinkle injections can be resolved with a touch up treatment.